Monday, February 13, 2012


Coca-Cola has been around for many years as many of us know; but do we really know the good this company for others other than qunenching our thirst? As part of their (coca-cola) social responsibility, Coca-Cola funds a program called The Coca-Cola Foundation which embarks on many different activities. These activities consist of many including the following:
  • Health and Active Lifestyles- encourages lifestyle changes by educating society on physical activities and nutritional facts.
  • There was a recent launch of "Diet Coke Red Dress Program" where they came together with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute for the Heart Truth campaign and placed messages about heart health on diet coke packages all over the U.S.
  • The company also awards scholarship for those in need.
  • Coca-Cola is also part of the Water Stewardship which promotes water conservation within communities and industries.

 The Ethics for the Coca-Cola company is as follows:
Act with integrity
Be honest
Follow the law
Comply with the code
Be accountable

I believe that Coca-Cola is doing and has been doing a wonderful job helping society and doing things around the world that benefits not only the company but individuals on a whole. 

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