Monday, March 12, 2012

Chapter 15: Retailing

The Coca-Cola is an independent retailer because it is owned by a single person or a partnership and not operated as part of a larger institution. Some of the Coca-Cola products are Coke, Diet Coke, Coca-Cola classic, Coke zero,  Coca-Cola cherry, Sprite, Fanta, etc. 

The prices given by retailers are affordable and the products are sold in some supermarkets, convinience stores, corner stores, restaurants, etc. Coca-Cola products are also sold in vending machines in some schools and office buidings. There are different types of bottling such as cans, bottles plastic and glass, and also different sizes.

The Coca-Cola company produces the syrup which is sold to licensed Coca-Cola bottlers around the world. The bottlers then mixes the syrup with sparkling water, etc and then sells and distributes the products to retail stores and vending machines. In 2011 Interbrand's best global band, Coca-Cola was the world's most valuable brand.

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